Colleges have numerous resources for the student to use in case he or she is having trouble with something. These services are like tutoring services, health services, International student services, academic advising and also advising for work related subjects. But these services will not come to the students, its up to the students to use these resources when they need to but if the students feel withdrawn from using these resources, the student will continue suffering from the problem that he or she was.
Students need to have to have the courage to say ," Yes, I need help." The main reason that student services provided by colleges to students are not utilized well is that students are afraid to ask for help. The college administration needs to make sure that students are comfortable with asking for help. Promoting these services through the internet and mainly via email is the best way for students to realize that these resources are for them to use. Colleges should also hold certain mandatory seminars in the beginning of the term for students only on these services.
Once the students are comfortable with asking for help and these resources are properly utilized by them when in need, success for the students will follow. These services are for our own good and will not come crawling to the students itself unless asked for.
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