Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Problems of Online Classes in Colleges

By: Jae Yu Ko

Many students take required classes to learn lesson in colleges. Besides going to classes, there are a number of online classes in colleges. It means that students have classes with their laptop or have classes in their rooms. However, there are several problems that students take online classes. If speaker and students’ laptops do not work well, they will not be able to listen to the professors carefully and cannot concentrate on classes. Therefore, to reduce those problems, systems for students should work well.

Online classes have several problems. Colleges usually give language classes as online classes because professors can easily explain the language through online. For example, while professors are explaining something important through the speaker in Japanese class, students really have to listen to the professors and say answers through it to professors. But, their laptops do not work suddenly and they have to participate at least one time per class. When their laptops started to work, classes are already finished and those students could not participate. So, their grades went down. As seen in the example, online classes have a few technical problems while students are in classes. Or if faculties’ laptops do not work well, classes will be cancelled. In this respect, going to classrooms is more effective than taking online classes.

Taking online classes bring several technical problems. It indicates that students cannot listen to what professors say carefully and they have to manage their laptops to reduce their technical problems. Therefore, colleges should care about these problems and when students register online classes, they will have to recognize it.

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